Name of indicators |
Indicators |
Boiler steam rate, t/hr (kg/h) Minimum allowable boiler steam rate, t/hr (kg/h) |
10,0 (10000) |
Estimated type of fuel (wood chips, sawdust) GOST 33103.1-2014 — relative moisture, % — calorific value, MJ/kg (kcal/kg) — fuel consumption, kg/h |
Р46А 60 5,7 (1360)* 6560* |
Efficiency, up to % |
80* |
Design pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2) |
1,4 (14,0) |
Rated steam temperature at the boiler outlet, °C |
194 |
Rated heat carrier flow temperature at the boiler inlet, °C |
104 |
Exit gas temperature (max), °C |
200* |
Сombustion products oxygen content, % |
7,5 |
Rated voltage of a system, V |
380 |
Installed electric power, kW |
74,3 |
Boiler weight (dry), kg Furnace weight (liningless), kg Heat exchanger weight, kg Afterburning chamber weight (liningless), kg Heat exchanger support weight, kg |
141500 44700 (24400) 32000 57700 (8400) 6900 |
Boiler overall dimensions, mm: Length (L) Width (W) Height (H) |
8170 4100 8480 |
UPT E-10-1,4DR

BIOSTEAM series:
UPT E-1-1,4DR UPT E-1-2,4DR UPT E-4-1,4DR UPT E-5-1,4DR UPT E-6-1,4DR UPT E-8-1,4DR UPT E-10-1,4DR UPT E-15000 UPT E-20000 UPT E-25000Series of boilers using gas and liquid fuel:
G.1000SB G.2000SB G.3000SB G.4000SB G.5000SB G.6000SB