Wood-drying chamber
Our company offers a drying chamber of convective type assembly or modernization of existing customer drying chambers.
Distinctive advantages of the supplied drying chambers:
- excellent drying quality (category I);
- low power consumption (with chambers we supply our boilers for wood waste — the most energy-efficient solution);
- high reliability (on imported components (excluding China) to the best Russian manufacturers).
In the line of our chambers we can pick up dry kilns for drying all types of wood in both large organizations and small enterprises:
Boot volume, m cub. | Drying cycle control |
40 | fully automatic |
50 | |
70 | |
85 | |
100 | |
150 | |
200 |
Operating principle
The drying chamber of convective type, corresponding to the best European models. In convective drying chamber is made of wood heated by passing through hot air heaters for the camera with his speed circulation reversible fans. Coolant through the heater chamber is hot water or steam.
Teploagent — hot dry air is directed perpendicular to the pile of lumber, saturated with moisture from timber and cooled, transferring its heat to the timber. To reset the resulting excess moisture from the atmosphere and teploagenta supply air chamber with a low moisture content designed ventilation system.
The drying process is controlled automatically by the wood moisture. Automatic maintenance of temperature and humidity — for each drying stage, which is achieved by controlling: the radiator valve, valve humidification, ventilation damper actuators, reverse fan. Go to the next step of drying occurs automatically, depending on the moisture content of wood.
General description of the composition of supply for drying chambers:
- aluminium (profile) frame of the drying chamber with the lifting and sliding gates;
- aluminum (or stainless steel) chamber internal structures (false ceiling, deflectors, aprons, etc.);
- hardware made of stainless steel or aluminum;
- cassette wall structure, eliminating the settling of insulation - mineral wool on the basis of basalt (Finland);
- reversible axial fans (Germany) of tropical design with cast aluminum blades;
- bimetallic heaters with aluminum fins;
- three-way valve heater (Switzerland);
- humidification system;
- ventilation system with valves and actuators (Switzerland);
- Ccntrol equipment (Italy);
- power cabinet (with transfer switches to manual control);
- glazed door provided in the basic version.
Photography parts (nodes) of the drying chamber
The mechanism of the gate lifting and sliding gates



Blocks of fans and heaters built into the body of the drying chamber

Specialized controller

Purge ventilation

Possible options for additional equipment:
- frequency regulation of the fan speed;
- stainless steel heaters for drying of aggressive breeds;
- rail heaters in pipes and fittings;
- further increase the wall thickness of the panels to 150 mm;
- pump group on the humidification system;
- for chambers with a large amount of dried hardwood dampening, system of hydration on both sides;
- control room is attached to the chamber;
- software for remote management of the drying process (range up to 1200 m);
- and etc.
Additional Information
Residual internal voltage of lumber, dried on drying chambers in a defect-free zone, subject to the drying cycle, set at an agreed program, are guaranteed no more than 1.5%.
Foundation for drying chambers is a reinforced concrete structure, consisting of the "cups" for the carrier structure chamber columns and floor of the chamber, can withstand the load from the truck and packages with lumber. The thickness of the foundation is calculated based on the local characteristics of soils by the buyer's engineer. The calculation must take into account that after the completion of the installation work is filled with a second 120 mm layer of the floor.
Drying chambers can be equipped with a waste wood boilers and gas modular boiler.
Our company offers a full range of design, supply and installation of drying systems.